We wanna welcome you officially to this blog. Under our theme, ‘Wear a Red Ribbon Today!’, we hope to add to the many voices fighting against HIV/AIDS around the world. Ours is mainly an awareness campaign through this blog and the blogosphere, all through which we believe more people shall come to learn about HIV and AIDS and shall, each one, strive towards living our lives more carefully. In this awareness campaign, we shall also promote the concept of “positive living” among people already infected by HIV/AIDS. “A friend with AIDS is still a friend” and “God loves embraces people with AIDS”.
Through the ‘Wear a Red Ribbon Today’ campaign, we are encouraging all bloggers with a heart to learn a little more about HIV/AIDS. This blog could be a good start for that. And as you learn more about HIV/AIDS everyday, it is our humble request that you advertise this knowledge through your wearing a red ribbon on any article of your clothing or accessories; the rationale here is that anyone who didn’t know about HIV/AIDS would ask you why you were the red ribbon…and this would be your cue to share your lessons learned on HIV/AIDS. You will have made a positive impact on the global fight against HIV/AIDS. One by one they say…
In addition, under the ‘Wear a Red Ribbon Today’ Blog campaign, we hope to get more people factoring HIV/AIDS into whatever they do. HIV/AIDS Mainstreaming: how does what you do (your work) increase/reduce vulnerability to HIV/AIDS for people that are not infected and how does what you do (your work) reduce/increase people’s vulnerability to cope with HIV/AIDS for people that are living with HIV/AIDS. In our future posts, we hope to tackle aspects such as these and others, more eloquently. So please stay glued here.
As you wear your virtual and physical red ribbons, please remember the reasons for which you were them and to share those reasons with others!
Cherie: “I wear the red ribbon because I figure it’s a simple way to remind myself of the “Promise”. Also, it’ll serve as a reminder to whoever sees it, of their own promise to stay HIV free. It will also encourage the HIV positive to live positively and protect themselves and others.”
Zack: “I wear my red ribbon to show my support for the fight against HIV/AIDS, but more importantly to remind me to factor HIV/AIDS in everything I do”)
This blog is still in its nascent stages and as a result, we ask you to bear with us should there be any changes with the template and/or layout design. We also welcome any feedback and/or positive criticism that you might have towards the initiative. We are thankful for the positive criticism from this blogger. You could do that in a comment or if it’s long, in an email. Our email address link is also present in the blog sidebar. If you want to contribute to this blog, you can also send us an email, and if possible, write a few lines explaining why you think you should participate in this campaign. This is a global initiative so applicants from around the world are welcome irrespective of whether your country of origin or residence is affected by HIV/AIDS or not.
As a good gesture, we shall be giving away a red red-ribbon freely to the first few bloggers (our rationale being six for each continent, but given we’re saying first to contact, then we believe it will still be o.k. if this number does not represent all the six continents) who request for them by email. Please note that this is just a promotional offer and once it’s over, we shall encourage everyone to go out and purchase an AIDS ribbon or other paraphernalia relating to the same, preferably from a cause that is supporting people living with HIV/AIDS in your local community or somewhere else around the world. Your money will go so far in the global fight against HIV/AIDS as a result.
Let’s go out and ‘Wear a Red Ribbon Today!’ you and me!